Monday, 28 January 2019

Journal of Forensic Sciences-Lupine Publishers-Reentry Program Combines Therapeutic Community, Rehabilitation, Work Release and Parole: Long Term Outcomes: (PRJFGS)

This innovative re-entry program combined an in-prison therapeutic community, work release, and employment and housing reentry with parole/aftercare support to rehabilitate and reintegrate offenders with high levels of criminality and substance abuse. Statistically significant outcomes from a ten year period for 198 offenders showed that only 23% of those who completed the full treatment program and were released on parole were reincarcerated compared to 44% of offenders with partial treatment without parole and 69% for those “rejected from treatment” for program violations. The “partial treatment” group consisted of inmates who were released on the earliest date marking completion of sentence and before finishing the treatment program. Those “rejected from treatment” were reincarcerated at twice the rate of those with full or partial treatment (69% vs. 34%). Reduced reincarceration was significantly correlated with longer lengths of treatment. Analysis of substance abuse types showed that cocaine abusers (and heroin abusers to a lesser extent) had the poorest rates of program completion and the highest and fastest rates of reincarceration following discharge.

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Thursday, 24 January 2019

Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic-Lupine Publishers- Tackling a Tough Question: Who is the Emerging Psychopath?: (PRJFGS)

Defining who the nascent or emerging psychopath is tied to an unfortunate reality. There is no uniformly accepted definition of the concept, which is tied to debate in the literature. As some have argued, and rightfully so, the most common measures for psychopathy are operating in a theoretical vacuum and the measures have been confused with the construct [1,2]. This is the opposite of how this should work, as the construct should inform the measure. Little ground in conceptually defining psychopathy will be made as long as clinicians and researchers continue to move forward as though this issue has been resolved.

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Monday, 14 January 2019

Present Day Mutations Show Theoretical Possibility of Various Human Hair Appearances Arising from a Pristine Human Hair Type in Antiquity: (PRJFGS) - Lupine Publishers

It is quite obvious that the different ethnicities on earth today exhibit various hair appearances. Such appearances include straight, wavy, curly etc. How did this come about? According to creationists all of humanity is descended from just two people and variations among mankind (according to some creationists) arose via inbreeding. [1,2] How viable is this hypothesis, scientifically speaking? That mutations can change hair appearance is demonstrated by the following hair related conditions: Also, normal variations (polymorphisms) in the genes EDAR, FGFR2 and TCHH appear to affect hair texture (Table 1). [3] The above show it is theoretically possible that the different appearances/textures of human hair on earth today could have arisen from a pristine hair appearance/ texture via mutations triggered by inbreeding.

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Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Victims of the Civil War and the Franco Repression in Asturias: A Provisional Balance: (PRJFGS) - Lupine Publishers

Counting and naming the dead of armed conflicts, massacres and any historical traumatic event is not yet an easy task; even less if they mediated long decades with a dictatorship of almost forty years in between. More difficulties involve the localization in space of a large part of the fatalities resulting from irregular repression (“walks”), as well as that of hundreds of soldiers fallen on the front and so often poorly buried in improvised trenches or trenches. Counting, naming and, as far as possible, locating the burial sites were the basic objectives of the research project that since 2003 we have been carrying out at the University of Oviedo under the direction of who signs these pages. The initial impulse came from the petitions that descendants of the losers and associations committed to the signification of the victims of Franco’s repression made to the Government of the Principality.

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