Friday, 28 June 2019

Lupine Publishers The Concealed Evidence-Case Report

Lupine Publishers Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences.
Lupine Publishers_The Concealed Evidence-Case Report by Rajiv Dua in Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences in Lupine Publishers.
Mobile crime scene investigating team plays an important role to sorting numerous important and sensational crimes. It is important that the crime scene investigator recognize that physical evidence recovered from these scenes may extend well beyond the conveyance itself. The nature of the crime may give the investigator an idea of the type of evidence present. Over the years, criminals have tried many ingenious ways to hide, clean up and remove evidence such as blood, weapons and tools but it’s an area where criminal justice technology has always stayed one step ahead of them. In the present paper an interesting case of murder of man was unravelled by the crime scene team. During careful scientific observation of crime scene by the forensic team, it was advised to the Investigating Officer (I.O.) that homicide was done by deceased brother.Blood is the most common and perhaps most important form of physical trace and fluid evidences in criminal justice today. Its presence always links a suspect and victim to one another and to the scene of the crime [1]. Thorough visual and chemical identification of bloodstains provide crucial information criminal investigation of violent crimes involving blood traces, particularly violent crimes but also other types of criminal events where blood is one of the resulting evidences on the crime scene [2,3]. During a crime event, external forces acting on a body bring about injuries that often result in the expulsion of blood as blood drops or flows. Interactions between the internal forces of surface tension, viscosity and internal cohesion and external forces of gravity, air resistance and applications of force determine the manner in which blood is expelled. These interactions determine with certain predictability, the nature and formation of blood drops, the forces required to disperse blood from a source and how blood behaves upon interaction with external forces.
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Monday, 24 June 2019

Lupine Publishers The Emergence of Time in Latin Literature

Lupine Publishers_Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences.
The Emergence of Time in Latin Literature by Patrice F Dassonville in Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences in Lupine_Publishers.
During the thirteenth century BC, the Lydians, who were Greeks of Asia Minor, were compelled by famine to emigrate to what is now Tuscany, where they established a new civilization with the native population. According to the Greek historian Herodotus (484- 425), these were the Etruscans. (Book I, 94) [1]. Their alphabet derived from Greek in the eighth century BC and it gave the Roman alphabet in the seventh century BC (Frédérix, Ch I) [2]. In order to situate themselves in relation to what they observed, the Romans unknowingly started conceptualizing some current phenomena and some familiar events. In this way and step by step, they enriched their language by introducing new concepts. The Latin literature allows one to observe the emergence of temporality in the Roman civilization, as well as to follow its gradual development.The Calends was the first day of the lunar month. We find Calendae in Cicero (106-43) and Calendae Martiae (the Calends of March) in Horace (65-8 AD). It was unknown to the Greeks, hence the famous proverb in Suetonius (c.70-c.122): ad calendas graecas solvere(pay at the Greek Calends), which meant never (Gaffiot) [3]. The Consul Ausonius, in The other prayer to the calends of January (379 AD), was the first in Rome to associate the regular advent of seasons with annus (Quet p. 553) [4]. Indeed, before Ausonius, the year had erratic values. In Valerius Martialis (first century BC) we find intra septimas calendasfor before six months [3]. The month was the lunar month. The month of January was dedicated to Janus : the very ancient God with two faces opened and closed the year. For the Senufo of the Ivory Coast, the Janus type of sculpture represents time passing ; one face is looking at the past while the other is looking toward the future.In Rome, there was no reference event, so for each year the text began by : Under the consulate of.
For example, wines were dated using the names of the two consuls who held office that year. Their names were inscribed on the amphorae ; it was called the consular year [2]. The Latin annalist Tacit (c.55-c.120) envied these great historians who described such major events. His Annals (from Latin annales) are an annual narrative of the facts according to the consular chronology : facts, minor at first view, but which often produce great events (Book IV, Ch. XXXII, 2) [5]. The narration of the events was drafted by the magistrates and recorded in the acta senatus, the Journal of Acts. [2] The Romans engraved their laws on stone tablets and their archives on copper tablets, in order to preserve them inside the Capitol. Tacit explained how the Romans came to draft an infinite number of laws, and he emphasized the diversity of the laws (Book III, Ch. XXV, 2) [5]. The Sicilian Diodorus (c.90-30) confided: We looked carefully at the records held by the Romans for so long, in order to bring to light the history of this huge empire [6].
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Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Lupine Publishers Forensic And Genetics Journal: Lupinepublishers - Journal of Forensic Sciences

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Monday, 17 June 2019

Lupinepublishers - Journal of Forensic Sciences

Features and Prospects of Development of The Labor Market in Uzbekistan by Salimov Sherzod in Forensic and Genentic Sciences in Lupine Publishers.
There are different approaches on determining the object that causes of buying-selling interactions in labor market. Discussions about labor market has been continuing since the middle of the last entury. If the economists of CIS countries had the common view about it before the market economy, it becomes intricate under the influence of western economics. From practical point of view, among the whole population of Uzbekistan the tendency of the growth of the population of working age and the shrink of dependency is observed, which requires to increase the number of employed among economic active population. It is important to mention that, during the financial-economic recession, the republic of Uzbekistan adopted anticrisis program, which mainly directed to the most important problems such as creating new labor places and improving the living standards of the population Formation of the labor market and its infrastructure, creating new labor relations confronts theory and practice task thorough and objective investigation of these processes. In addition, the deepening of market relations increases the urgency of issues related to balance demand and supply of labor, wages (price of labor), unemployment, training and retraining of skilled labor, the creation of a competitive environment in the labor market, the development of human resources. Acuteness of the problems of employment and labor market development work required for profound monographic studies of complex scientific papers, develop evidence-based recommendations and proposals to address them. Accordingly, the economics of Uzbekistan was initiated to develop a scientific theory and a methodological basis for the formation of employment and labor market development in the new environment based on global experience in the formation, operation and regulation of the labor market. Development of effective policy formation of the labor market in the country is impossible without considering the specific features that are unique to Uzbekistan. 

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