Friday, 19 July 2019

Lupine Publishers Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences

Ludopathy: Play to Lose by Gabriel Miranda Nava in  Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences in Lupine Publishers.

This is a relatively new concept, and if you do not know what it is about, dear reader, I will ask you the following: please go at about 10.45 in the morning to a place that has among its premises a Caliente, a Play City, Yak, Emotion, or others to name a few, you will see a long line of impatient people, mostly women, ready to enter, with greater punctuality than when they go for the children to schools, or even to the funeral of the grandmother. The concept of pathological gambling refers to an irresistible desire to play, which goes hand in hand with a visible bet, with an implicit risk of money or kind; This desire is accompanied by extreme anxiety, and when the person sitting on the bench is already calm and the first move is made, it is necessary to say the financial problems to which they, their partners and children, submit themselves; here we list the characteristics of this condition already listed in the international classification of diseases since 1992:
a) The failure to resist the urge to play.
b) The growing sensation of excitement and
c) Tension before going to play and
d) The pleasant experience or relief at the time of playing.
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